Friday, 27 March 2015

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

To show that we have managed to create a recognisable brand and show continuity throughout our project I have created a Thinglink.   

Evaluation of News Package - Question 3 Ria

Evaluation Question 3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

- Ria

Monday, 23 March 2015

Friday, 20 March 2015


Once I created the banner for the interviews we added it to the news package. We thought the background of it would be transparent, but it wasn't. This was my first attempt of making the banner. I went on Youtube to find a video on how to make the background transparent, however we only watched half of the video so when we rendered the clips again there was still a black background. So after watching the rest of the video we realised there was something else we had to change, we had to change the channel to RGB+Alpha. This was the third attempt to make the banners, this time when we put them into the news package they had a transparent background. However I had to redo the banners a few other times as we had to change the names on them.

Opening sequence

As we used pre-existing footage for our opening sequence so we had to change it. Instead we decided to show the contrast between city roads and country driving. This shows our audience that roads aren't always congested and there are different roads and styles of driving.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Filming vox pops - Sophia , Ria and Lauren

In todays lesson we went out in the public to film vox pops for our news package. we needed to re-film these as before they weren't filmed in  public place. the way we filmed today was by using the camera and tripod so that our footage would be stable and not shaky . The only problem we had was with the environmental noise, this included the wind and the busy road with cars that we found difficult to avoid. However we overcame this problem when we started editing our footage, we were able to change how loud the the background noise would be compare to the actual Vox Pop itself.


- Sophia , Ria and Lauren

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Filming - CLSR

In todays lesson we had to go out and re- shoot some footage, that we previously had. The aim was to make the footage more steady and appropriate to what we needed.


Monday, 9 March 2015

Profile of target audience - Sophia

Our main target audience would be new drivers and younger drivers. The way in which our news package will help the new and young drivers will be that we will show statistics to give them a clear view of how much things will cost, also statistics on passing their test and the number of crashes that new drivers have with in the first year of passing their tests or even just getting help for buying insurance.

Below is a video of new drivers and the driving instructor has taken them off the road onto a special driving centre where they are told specifically to drive while texting. In the video we can see that almost all of the new drivers that were learning couldn't drive correctly or safely while texting. This shows the new drivers that it is unsafe to drive while texting.

This links to our target audience -  It links because it shows footage  of what our news is about, it represents how texting while driving is unsafe and matches some of the statistics that our news package will cover. it also show our target audience of new and young drivers that have just started to drive.

Here is a screenshot to our website it shows new drivers all about how we will help them, it also introduces us, it gives them a contacts email to ask for personal guidance. On the left of the website is a list of statistics some of which include; 

Facts about Teen Driving:
  • 33% of deaths among 13 to 19-year-olds in 2010 occurred in motor vehicle crashes.
  • 16-year-olds have higher crash rates than drivers of any other age.
  • Statistics show that 16 and 17-year-old driver death rates increase with each additional passenger.
  • Teen drivers with involved parents are twice as likely to wear seat belts.
  • Talking on a cell phone can double the likelihood of an accident as well as slow a young driver’s reaction time down to that of a 70-year-old.
  • 1 in 5 of 16-year-old drivers has an accident within their first year of driving.

- Sophia 

Monday, 2 March 2015

Research best and worst interview skills - Sophia

 Today I looked online, through videos and from my own knowledge to construct a list that would help to find out about the best and worst interview skills. below is a list of which I thought would be the most appropriate for our task and also the ones that would actually help us to interview people.
  •  Prepare your questions
    Think ahead about the type of questions you want to ask your interviewee. What kind of information are you looking for from this particular person and what are the type of questions that will best get them to give you the information you’re looking for? No need to go crazy. 5-10 questions is usually enough.
  • Avoid “yes” or “no” answers
    Your questions should be asked in such a way that you won’t get “yes” or “no” answers. You need your documentary interviewees to give you substantive answers that you can use in your video edits. Instead of “Are you happy with the outcome of the court case?” Ask, “What is your response to the outcome of today’s court case?”
  • Prepare, but be spontaneousEven though you have prepared questions in advance, allow yourself to veer off from questions if the interviewee says something interesting or unexpected that you’d like to explore further. Sometimes the unplanned “spontaneous” questions & answers create the best moments.
  • Get the interviewee comfortableWhen the video camera rolls, ask easy questions to warm them up. Ask them what they had for  anything to get them talking and comfortable. This is a key interviewing tip!
  • Don’t give out specific questions in advanceI cannot stress this point strongly enough. It’s perfectly acceptable to give someone a general idea of what the interview will be about, but do not give them your list of questions. If you do, they will try to memorize their answers in advance and you will lose spontaneity and freshness. Your interview will end up feeling stale, unauthentic and rehearsed.
  • Have them repeat your questionThis is a great idea, especially if you plan to have no narration for your documentary. Get the person to repeat back your question in their answer. This will help you with the video editing and storytelling later during the editing process. For example, you ask, “How are you feeling?” The interviewee says, “How am I feeling? I’m feeling excited!”
  • Dont speak - Stay quiet when the other person is talking. You don’t want to hear yourself in the background. (Watch out for the “hmmmm”, “Oh right..”) Just ask the question and then keep quiet. It’s good to nod, and make gentle facial expressions, just no sound. Unless of course, YOU are part of the story and the camera has both of you in the shot.
  • Ask for final commentHere's a great video interviewing tip: at the end of the interview, always ask the person if they have any final thoughts. Ask them if there was anything you missed. This can sometimes bring out some great information you hadn’t thought to ask about.
  • Don’t stop filming when the interview is “over”                                                                Especially when you have someone who is nervous and never got quite comfortable with the interview. When you’re done with your official questions, say “OK, that’s the end of the interview.” Make sure the camera continues to roll at this point because often the conversation will continue. Psychologically, the person no longer feels the “pressure” of the interview and will loosen up. This is the time I have often gotten the best quotes of the interview!
 Here is a video off youtube to show an example of filming interviews ~

Prepare - Prior to the interview make sure you understand the key elements . Develop a simple outline that covers the job duties. Possibly work with the incumbent or people familiar with the various responsibilities to understand what the job is about. Standardise and prepare the questions you will ask each applicant.

People Skills - With well-developed people skills, you can communicate effectively on an interpersonal level; manage conflict positively; work productively with others to find solutions and reach agreement; and work with integrity and ethics to motivate and inspire others.

Process. The best interview follows a structured process. This doesn’t mean the entire process is inflexible without spontaneity.  

Use Appropriate Language - It's a given that you should use professional language during the interview. Be aware of any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation -- these topics could send you out the door very quickly. 

- Sophia